Hello. My name is David Byttow. I'm obsessed with art and technology, and I like to blend the two together.
I started my career when I dropped out of Purdue University at the age of 19 for a programming job at a gaming startup in Southern California. That company was called CodeFire, and it didn't last very long, but it helped me get my foot in the door enough to join a real game company. That company was called The Collective (formerly known as Double Helix Games and now known as Amazon Game Studios).
I've worked at a handful of other great companies, such as Google, Square, Snapchat, and Postmates; and built a couple companies of my own (Secret, Bold).
Needless to say, I've learned a lot since I was an intrepid 19 year-old.
Today, I live in New York City. I keep myself busy with plenty of side projects and by playing piano. I also make a lot of little games and participate in game jams by dabbling in Godot, Unreal Engine 4, and Unity.
You can follow me on Twitter @davidbyttow or read my posts on Medium.
Or shoot send me a message at david.byttow@gmail.com.